• Top Secret Comedy Club (map)

"Enlightening & Uproarious" ★★★★1/2 (Fringe Feed, Perth FRINGE WORLD)

"This would make a great TV Comedy Panel Show" ★★★★ (UK Cabaret)

"Charming & Funny" ★★★★ (Perth Happenings)

Thursday 17th October 6-7pm - Personality with psychologist Carolyn Keenan and comedian Lucy Frederick

  • This show is all about PERSONALITY! Robyn Perkins, our resident science comedian, is joined by psychologist Carolyn Keenan and comedian Lucy Frederick for a side-splitting comedy show delving into why we are the way we are.

    Winner: Best Comedy, Shaftesbury Fringe 2023

    Shows are normally free or low cost but you can make a voluntary donation at the end of show if you enjoyed it and wish to contribute to the comics and the venue to support us and live comedy.